Platform for sharing stories during covid-19
Currently working on a web app to help people stay connected, informed, and empathetic throughout the coronavirus outbreak. The web app framework is built with Python and Flask. We are using Firebase as our database.
I’ve been focusing on the front end: using the mapbox api, improving user interface, making the design clean. This is an ongoing project which we hope to publicize in the near future.

Teleoperation of Multi-Robot Systems Using Gesture-Based Control
Senior thesis in electrical engineering
In this independent thesis project, I create an armband wearable that allows users to “point and select” various connected robots in an environment (that includes multiple robots) and control the selected robot with simple muscle movements.
This project aims to reduce the number of remote controllers needed to teleoperate multi-robot systems, while also improving the ease of interacting with such systems.
Click the thumbnail for more information!

Harvard Robotics project
Worked as an electrical engineer on Harvard’s PacBot team, one of the subteams within the Harvard Undergraduate Robotics Club. As the electrical engineer, I helped to design the circuitry for the little Pac-Man and printed out a PCB for the final design. We were also responsible for hosting the intercollegiate PacBot competition, so we spent a lot of time working on the arena itself.

Circuit Design
I worked with a few classmates (pictured above) to design a wearable that used various physiological signals to assess the alertness or “battery level” of the user. We built our project at Harvard’s annual Makeathon. The physiological signals we were measuring were heart rate, blink rate, galvanic sweat response. We aggregated these signals in MATLAB and used a WiFi module to display the real-time batter level of the user on a webapp.
Paris Hero
I spent a summer abroad working on a civics project called Paris Hero. I worked with three other people, two Science Po graduate students and one other Harvard undergraduate. Together, we designed a volunteer-based civic engagement mobile app that allowed nonprofits, dutiful citizens, and the government to work together on improving the city of Paris. The project culminated in a presentation at Hotel de Ville. Check out the video I made above!

healthcare nonprofit
I am currently working with a partner on a healthcare nonprofit called HippoNet. HippoNet aims to connect underinsured patients in need of specialty healthcare with nearby physicians who are willing to volunteer their services. To achieve this goal, we have designed a web-based platform to allow physicians, health clinics, and patients to communicate seamlessly about scheduling and medical records. We are working with health clinics in Texas to test and improve our system.

Webapp Development
Hoops is a web app for scheduling pickup basketball games. I created the web app with two other friends, both club athletes. The idea stemmed from our own past experiences of trying to setup pickup games for our respective team sports. This project involved the use of MySQL, Python, Javascript, and Google Map’s API.